Jun 10, 2021
Chevy Service

Part of properly caring for your car means visiting a Chevrolet service center occasionally. But just how often do you have to go and see a mechanic? At Hank Graff Chevrolet, we know just how important routine maintenance is, and we can answer that question and any other ones that you have.

How Often You Should Visit the Mechanic

Generally, a good rule of thumb is to make sure that you’re visiting the service center at least once or twice a year. Even if you’re not subjecting your car to rough driving conditions and even if you don’t drive much at all, at these points it’s likely that one of your car’s maintenance needs has to be addressed.

For example, most drivers know that they have to change their oil at a certain mileage. If you drive fairly often, you’ll hit that mileage and you’ll know that it’s time to visit our service center for an oil change.

However, if you don’t drive often, you’ll take longer to reach that benchmark. In many cases, even if you haven’t been driving too far, we still suggest that you get an oil change at least once per year. This is why a yearly visit is ideal, even if you don’t use your car often.

If you do drive a lot, a yearly visit probably isn’t sufficient. We suggest at least two service appointments per year. It’s especially wise to get your car checked out after the winter and summer seasons. The cold and heat can do a number on certain components in your vehicle, and it’s wise to get parts like the battery, the tires, and brakes checked out even if you don’t think that anything is wrong.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

If you think that your car is in need of service, don’t put it off. Visit our mechanics and see how we can assist you. We have the mechanical knowledge and official Chevy parts that you’re looking for.