Sep 9, 2021
oil change

Every driver knows that an oil change is an essential part of owning a Chevrolet vehicle, but they don’t always know when, exactly, to go ahead and have those oil changes performed. Today, Hank Graff Chevrolet looks at five signs that it’s time for an oil change so our customers in and around Davison, MI can do the responsible thing and take great care of their automobiles.

How to Know It’s Time for an Oil Change

  1. Your Service Light Turns On – The easiest way to know it’s time for an oil change is to listen to your dashboard. It will tell you when you’ve hit a certain number of miles or a certain number of months since your last oil change.
  2. Your Oil Level is Low – You can check your oil dipstick any time to see if the level is getting low. If it is, it may be time for a flush and top-off!
  3. Your Engine is Noisy – When oil gets old and thin, you might hear more engine noise than you’re accustomed to getting. This is a good hint to get that oil changed.
  4. Your Fuel Efficiency is Suffering – Clean oil is better for fuel efficiency, so if your MPGs have been dropping lately, it may be time for some new oil.
  5. Your Vehicle Shakes While Idling – The friction in your engine caused by old or not enough oil can cause some shaking while your vehicle is idling. That’s just one more thing to look out for while on the road!

Getting an Oil Change at Hank Graff Chevrolet

If you think it’s time for an oil change, contact your Davison Chevy dealer to set up an appointment with our service department. We’ll keep your vehicle running as it should!